

< Job listing

Gestionnaire F/H (Ref.Lisbon)


Votre poste est basé à Lisbonne. Nous recrutons au sein de notre structure 4 nouveaux gestionnaires santé pour répondre à nos enjeux de croissance.

Vous êtes le contact privilégié de nos assurés :

- vous les conseillez et les accompagnez quel que soit le canal qu’ils choisissent : téléphone, mail ou courrier et vous gérez les règlements de leurs prestations,

- vous contribuez activement à leur satisfaction par la qualité de la réponse apportée, la qualité de traitement et votre contribution à l’atteinte des indicateurs de performance de notre site.

Vous gérez les appels de nos bénéficiaires et professionnels de santé :

- vous informez et conseillez nos clients sur les garanties souscrites,

- vous les accompagnez au quotidien dans leur parcours de soins.

Vous réalisez la gestion administrative :

- gestion de la vie du contrat : enregistrement et radiation des contrats, encaissement des cotisations,

- gestion des prestations santé : saisie des remboursements, réalisation des devis, délivrance des prises en charge… conformément aux procédures internes,

- gestion des mises à jour et modifications des dossiers (contrat, adresse, RIB…).

Vous gérez la relation client :

- vous renseignez les assurés sur les garanties de leurs contrats, les remboursements et tous les aspects liés à la vie du contrat (souscription, avenants, résiliations, cotisations...) principalement par téléphone et/ou par mail,

- vous les conseillez et apportez une réponse à toutes leurs demandes ainsi qu’à celles des professionnels de santé.

Il n’y a pas de prospection, ni de vente dans le cadre de votre fonction.

En rejoignant nos équipes, vous bénéficiez d’une formation sur notre site de Lisbonne, d’un accompagnement complet à nos métiers et outils et d’un management de proximité.

Votre métier n’est pas routinier, vous occupez un poste avec une grande polyvalence et des perspectives d’évolution.


Vous avez un bac +2, avec ou sans expérience en assurance… mais votre personnalité nous intéresse tout autant.

Vous appréciez le travail d’équipe et vous êtes doté(e) d’un excellent relationnel. Vous êtes à l’écoute et vous avez le sens du service client.

Vous êtes méthodique et vous faites preuve de rigueur, d’organisation et de réactivité au quotidien. Vous êtes de nature dynamique et mettez de l’enthousiasme dans votre travail. Vous avez le souci d’atteindre les objectifs fixés : qualité de traitement, volumes, délais.

Vous parlez couramment l’anglais et le français.

Bref, vous êtes quelqu’un sur qui on peut compter et qui aime aussi pouvoir compter sur un environnement de travail respectueux et solidaire.


More vacancies
  • Medical Partnerships Account Officer W/M


    Your position is based at Madrid. Within our Health & Medical department, we are recruiting one Medical Network Coordinator to meet our growth challenges.

    As Medical Network Coordinator, your day to day missions will be to develop the network of health partners and healthcare providers across your defined geographical area :

    Prospect and interact with health professionals across the globe.

    Negotiate consistent contract terms and competitive rates.

    Ensure compliance standards are met.

    Liaise on a regular basis with the Medical team regarding various topics such as interventions.

    Support various business units.

    Assist with billing issues.

    By joining our teams, you will benefit from training at our Madrid site, full support in our businesses and tools.

    You will occupy a position with great versatility and prospects for development.

    Your position is a permanent contract and you benefit from all the social advantages granted to our teams: free healthcare insurance for you and your family, annual variable bonus if you achieve your objectives, quaterly bonus, lunch vouchers and monthly transportation allowance, medical teleconsultation.

    You are guaranteed to respect your work/life balance thanks to our company agreements and a flexible work organization that allows you to telecommute up to 2 days per week, or even 3 days for people with disabilities, pregnant employees or employees who have a child under 8 years old.

    The job can be taken in the next few days (or weeks) depending on your availability.


    You have a bachelor's degree, an experience in insurance and a medical background are a plus... but your personality interests us just as much.

    You speak english and spanish fluently.

    You developped ability to negotiate, to pay attention to details and you have an exeprience in an international environement.

    You are proactive, dynamic, organised and able to work within deadlines.

    In short, you are someone who can be counted on and who also likes to be able to count on a respectful and supportive work environment.


    We know that you don't just have a professional life. Of course, it is essential to the balance and fulfillment of your life, but it must not encroach on your personal, family, social, cultural or sporting life. We know this and we take care of it.

    At Henner, our job is to protect the lives and health of 2.1 million people. We protect them as if they were members of our family. We call it Caring, and this approach applies to our teams as well. And therefore to you, whom we wish to recruit today to strengthen our teams and join our Group, the French leader in group health insurance and a specialist in social protection (health, provident, retirement, funeral coverage, employee savings and employee shareholding). We provide our beneficiaries with the world's largest network of healthcare partners (1.6 million professionals in 196 countries).


  • Client Services Officer W/M - temporary contract


    Your position is based in Nairobi. Within our entity, we are recruiting our new Client Services Officers to meet our growth challenges.

    You are the privileged contact of our insureds :

    - You will advise and assist them whatever channel they choose: telephone, e-mail or mail and you will manage the payment of their benefits,

    - You actively contribute to their satisfaction through the quality of the response provided, the quality of processing and your contribution to the achievement of our site's performance indicators.

    You manage calls from our beneficiaries and health professionals :

    - You inform and advise our clients on the coverage they have taken out,

    - You accompany them on a daily basis in their care.

    You carry out the administrative management :

    - management of the contract life: registration and cancellation of contracts, collection of contributions,

    - management of health benefits: recording of reimbursements, preparation of estimates, issuing of reimbursements, etc. in accordance with internal procedures,

    - management of updates and modifications to files (contract, address, bank details, etc.).

    You manage customer relations :

    - You will provide information to policyholders on their contract coverage, reimbursements and all aspects related to the life of the contract (subscription, amendments, cancellations, contributions, etc.), mainly by telephone and/or e-mail,

    - You advise them and answer all their requests as well as those of health professionals.

    There is no prospecting or selling involved in your job.

    By joining our teams, you will benefit from training in Nairobi, full support in our businesses and tools, and local management.

    Your job is not routine, you occupy a position with great versatility and prospects for development.

    Your position is a temporary contract and you benefit from all the social advantages granted to our teams:

    free healthcare insurance for you and your family, quaterly bonus & annual bonus depending the results of the company and medical teleconsultation.

    The job can be taken in the next few days (or weeks) depending on your availability.


    You have a bachelor's degree, with or without experience in insurance... but your personality interests us just as much.

    You appreciate teamwork and you have excellent interpersonal skills. You are a good listener and you have a sense of customer service. You are dynamic and enthusiastic in your work.

    You are methodical and demonstrate rigor, organization and reactivity on a daily basis. You are concerned with achieving the objectives set: processing quality, volumes, deadlines.

    You must be bilingual in English in order to carry out your missions. French is a plus.

    In short, you are someone who can be counted on and who also likes to be able to count on a respectful and supportive work environment.


    We know that you don't just have a professional life. Of course, it is essential to the balance and fulfillment of your life, but it must not encroach on your personal, family, social, cultural or sporting life. We know this and we take care of it.

    At Henner, our job is to protect the lives and health of 2.1 million people. We protect them as if they were members of our family. We call it Caring, and this approach applies to our teams as well. And therefore to you, whom we wish to recruit today to strengthen our teams and join our Group, the French leader in group health insurance and a specialist in social protection (health, provident, retirement, funeral coverage, employee savings and employee shareholding). We provide our beneficiaries with the world's largest network of healthcare partners (1.6 million professionals in 196 countries).


  • Client Services Officer W/M (Ref. Kuala Lumpur)

    Your position is based in Kuala Lumpur. Within our entity (15 employees), we are recruiting 2 new Client Services Officer to meet our growth challenges.

    You are the privileged contact of our insureds :

    - You will advise and assist them whatever channel they choose: telephone, e-mail or mail and you will manage the payment of their benefits,

    - You actively contribute to their satisfaction through the quality of the response provided, the quality of processing and your contribution to the achievement of our site's performance indicators.

    You manage calls from our beneficiaries and health professionals :

    - You inform and advise our clients on the coverage they have taken out,

    - You accompany them on a daily basis in their care.

    You carry out the administrative management :

    - management of the contract life: registration and cancellation of contracts, collection of contributions,

    - management of health benefits: recording of reimbursements, preparation of estimates, issuing of reimbursements, etc. in accordance with internal procedures,

    - management of updates and modifications to files (contract, address, bank details, etc.).

    You manage customer relations :

    - You will provide information to policyholders on their contract coverage, reimbursements and all aspects related to the life of the contract (subscription, amendments, cancellations, contributions, etc.), mainly by telephone and/or e-mail,

    - You advise them and answer all their requests as well as those of health professionals.

    There is no prospecting or selling involved in your job.

    By joining our teams, you will benefit from training in Kuala Lumpur, full support in our businesses and tools, and local management.

    Your job is not routine, you occupy a position with great versatility and prospects for development.

    Your position is a permanent contract and you benefit from all the social advantages granted to our teams:

    free healthcare insurance for you and your family, annual variable bonus if you achieve your objectives, quaterly bonus & annual bonus depending the results of the company and medical teleconsultation.

    You are guaranteed to respect your work/life balance thanks to our company agreements and a flexible work organization that allows you to telecommute up to 2 days per week, or even 3 days for people with disabilities or pregnant employees.

    The job can be taken in the next few days (or weeks) depending on your availability.


    You have a bachelor's degree, with or without experience in insurance... but your personality interests us just as much.

    You appreciate teamwork and you have excellent interpersonal skills. You are a good listener and you have a sense of customer service. You are dynamic and enthusiastic in your work.

    You are methodical and demonstrate rigor, organization and reactivity on a daily basis. You are concerned with achieving the objectives set: processing quality, volumes, deadlines.

    You must be bilingual in English and Chines in order to carry out your missions. Vietnamese will be a plus.

    In short, you are someone who can be counted on and who also likes to be able to count on a respectful and supportive work environment.


    We know that you don't just have a professional life. Of course, it is essential to the balance and fulfillment of your life, but it must not encroach on your personal, family, social, cultural or sporting life. We know this and we take care of it.

    At Henner, our job is to protect the lives and health of 2.1 million people. We protect them as if they were members of our family. We call it Caring, and this approach applies to our teams as well. And therefore to you, whom we wish to recruit today to strengthen our teams and join our Group, the French leader in group health insurance and a specialist in social protection (health, provident, retirement, funeral coverage, employee savings and employee shareholding). We provide our beneficiaries with the world's largest network of healthcare partners (1.6 million professionals in 196 countries).


  • Chef De Projets IT F/H


    Le département Direction des Systèmes d’Informations (DSI), au cœur des fonctions supports, est composé d’une équipe Plateau Digital. Son activité consiste à garantir la livraison du service informatique à nos clients, partenaires et collaborateurs.

    Nous recherchons un(e) Chef(fe) de projets IT pour intégrer une équipe d’experts et de passionnés à Neuilly-sur-Seine (92) où se trouve notre siège social.

    Vos missions :

    Analyser les besoins et les prioriser en fonction de la feuille de route globale, des contraintes et du retour sur investissement envisagé

    Rédiger les spécifications fonctionnelles détaillées conformément à la méthodologie en vigueur et en prenant en compte l’existant, les exigences fonctionnelles et les exigences non fonctionnelles (qualité de services, sécurité, RGPD, exploitabilité, usabilité, etc.)

    Animer des ateliers de spécifications avec les Métiers concernés et rédiger les comptes rendus

    Accompagner les autres parties prenantes (concepteur/développeur, testeurs, etc.) dans l’appropriation des spécifications

    Consolider et valider les estimations prévisionnelles du projet

    Planifier le projet, en assurer le suivi et le reporting

    Elaborer le cahier de recette et élaborer les jeux de tests

    Participer aux phases de tests et de validation des solutions.

    Assurer la conduite du changement (formation, accompagnement des utilisateurs, etc…)

    Assurer un suivi post-implémentation et une assistance technique.


    Bac +5 avec une expérience de 5 ans à minima au sein d’un service MOA/AMOA assurant des fonctions similaires dans le domaine des systèmes d’information.

    Bonnes connaissances en Ingénierie Système (Approche globale : projets pluridisciplinaires)

    Une connaissance approfondie des applications web.

    Une connaissance des applications mobiles sera un plus.

    Une maîtrise des méthodologies Agile et Waterfall.

    Un bon niveau d’anglais est nécessaire pour les échanges technico-fonctionnels avec les entités internationales du Groupe ainsi que les partenaires/clients étrangers

    Connaissances du secteur courtage/assuranciel (Santé et Prévoyance) et du langage SQL appréciées

    Vos qualités relationnelles et de communication, votre aisance et rigueur rédactionnelle ainsi que votre esprit d’analyse seront essentiels à la réalisation de vos missions.


    Nous savons que vous n’avez pas qu’une vie professionnelle. Certes, elle est essentielle dans l’équilibre et l’épanouissement de votre vie mais elle ne doit pas empiéter sur vos vies personnelle, familiale, sociale, culturelle ou sportive. Nous le savons et nous y veillons.

    Chez Henner, notre métier consiste à protéger la vie et la santé de 2,1 millions de personnes. Nous les protégeons comme s’ils étaient des membres de notre famille. Nous appelons cela le Caring et cette approche s’applique aussi à nos équipes. Et donc à vous que nous souhaitons recruter aujourd’hui pour renforcer nos équipes et rejoindre notre Groupe, leader français de l’assurance santé collective et spécialiste de la protection sociale (santé, prévoyance, retraite, garantie obsèques, épargne salariale et actionnariat salarié). Nous mettons à disposition de nos bénéficiaires le plus important réseau mondial de partenaires de santé (1,6 million de professionnels dans 196 pays).


More vacancies
More vacancies
  • Medical Partnerships Account Officer W/M


    Your position is based at Madrid. Within our Health & Medical department, we are recruiting one Medical Network Coordinator to meet our growth challenges.

    As Medical Network Coordinator, your day to day missions will be to develop the network of health partners and healthcare providers across your defined geographical area :

    Prospect and interact with health professionals across the globe.

    Negotiate consistent contract terms and competitive rates.

    Ensure compliance standards are met.

    Liaise on a regular basis with the Medical team regarding various topics such as interventions.

    Support various business units.

    Assist with billing issues.

    By joining our teams, you will benefit from training at our Madrid site, full support in our businesses and tools.

    You will occupy a position with great versatility and prospects for development.

    Your position is a permanent contract and you benefit from all the social advantages granted to our teams: free healthcare insurance for you and your family, annual variable bonus if you achieve your objectives, quaterly bonus, lunch vouchers and monthly transportation allowance, medical teleconsultation.

    You are guaranteed to respect your work/life balance thanks to our company agreements and a flexible work organization that allows you to telecommute up to 2 days per week, or even 3 days for people with disabilities, pregnant employees or employees who have a child under 8 years old.

    The job can be taken in the next few days (or weeks) depending on your availability.


    You have a bachelor's degree, an experience in insurance and a medical background are a plus... but your personality interests us just as much.

    You speak english and spanish fluently.

    You developped ability to negotiate, to pay attention to details and you have an exeprience in an international environement.

    You are proactive, dynamic, organised and able to work within deadlines.

    In short, you are someone who can be counted on and who also likes to be able to count on a respectful and supportive work environment.


    We know that you don't just have a professional life. Of course, it is essential to the balance and fulfillment of your life, but it must not encroach on your personal, family, social, cultural or sporting life. We know this and we take care of it.

    At Henner, our job is to protect the lives and health of 2.1 million people. We protect them as if they were members of our family. We call it Caring, and this approach applies to our teams as well. And therefore to you, whom we wish to recruit today to strengthen our teams and join our Group, the French leader in group health insurance and a specialist in social protection (health, provident, retirement, funeral coverage, employee savings and employee shareholding). We provide our beneficiaries with the world's largest network of healthcare partners (1.6 million professionals in 196 countries).


  • Client Services Officer W/M - temporary contract


    Your position is based in Nairobi. Within our entity, we are recruiting our new Client Services Officers to meet our growth challenges.

    You are the privileged contact of our insureds :

    - You will advise and assist them whatever channel they choose: telephone, e-mail or mail and you will manage the payment of their benefits,

    - You actively contribute to their satisfaction through the quality of the response provided, the quality of processing and your contribution to the achievement of our site's performance indicators.

    You manage calls from our beneficiaries and health professionals :

    - You inform and advise our clients on the coverage they have taken out,

    - You accompany them on a daily basis in their care.

    You carry out the administrative management :

    - management of the contract life: registration and cancellation of contracts, collection of contributions,

    - management of health benefits: recording of reimbursements, preparation of estimates, issuing of reimbursements, etc. in accordance with internal procedures,

    - management of updates and modifications to files (contract, address, bank details, etc.).

    You manage customer relations :

    - You will provide information to policyholders on their contract coverage, reimbursements and all aspects related to the life of the contract (subscription, amendments, cancellations, contributions, etc.), mainly by telephone and/or e-mail,

    - You advise them and answer all their requests as well as those of health professionals.

    There is no prospecting or selling involved in your job.

    By joining our teams, you will benefit from training in Nairobi, full support in our businesses and tools, and local management.

    Your job is not routine, you occupy a position with great versatility and prospects for development.

    Your position is a temporary contract and you benefit from all the social advantages granted to our teams:

    free healthcare insurance for you and your family, quaterly bonus & annual bonus depending the results of the company and medical teleconsultation.

    The job can be taken in the next few days (or weeks) depending on your availability.


    You have a bachelor's degree, with or without experience in insurance... but your personality interests us just as much.

    You appreciate teamwork and you have excellent interpersonal skills. You are a good listener and you have a sense of customer service. You are dynamic and enthusiastic in your work.

    You are methodical and demonstrate rigor, organization and reactivity on a daily basis. You are concerned with achieving the objectives set: processing quality, volumes, deadlines.

    You must be bilingual in English in order to carry out your missions. French is a plus.

    In short, you are someone who can be counted on and who also likes to be able to count on a respectful and supportive work environment.


    We know that you don't just have a professional life. Of course, it is essential to the balance and fulfillment of your life, but it must not encroach on your personal, family, social, cultural or sporting life. We know this and we take care of it.

    At Henner, our job is to protect the lives and health of 2.1 million people. We protect them as if they were members of our family. We call it Caring, and this approach applies to our teams as well. And therefore to you, whom we wish to recruit today to strengthen our teams and join our Group, the French leader in group health insurance and a specialist in social protection (health, provident, retirement, funeral coverage, employee savings and employee shareholding). We provide our beneficiaries with the world's largest network of healthcare partners (1.6 million professionals in 196 countries).


  • Client Services Officer W/M (Ref. Kuala Lumpur)

    Your position is based in Kuala Lumpur. Within our entity (15 employees), we are recruiting 2 new Client Services Officer to meet our growth challenges.

    You are the privileged contact of our insureds :

    - You will advise and assist them whatever channel they choose: telephone, e-mail or mail and you will manage the payment of their benefits,

    - You actively contribute to their satisfaction through the quality of the response provided, the quality of processing and your contribution to the achievement of our site's performance indicators.

    You manage calls from our beneficiaries and health professionals :

    - You inform and advise our clients on the coverage they have taken out,

    - You accompany them on a daily basis in their care.

    You carry out the administrative management :

    - management of the contract life: registration and cancellation of contracts, collection of contributions,

    - management of health benefits: recording of reimbursements, preparation of estimates, issuing of reimbursements, etc. in accordance with internal procedures,

    - management of updates and modifications to files (contract, address, bank details, etc.).

    You manage customer relations :

    - You will provide information to policyholders on their contract coverage, reimbursements and all aspects related to the life of the contract (subscription, amendments, cancellations, contributions, etc.), mainly by telephone and/or e-mail,

    - You advise them and answer all their requests as well as those of health professionals.

    There is no prospecting or selling involved in your job.

    By joining our teams, you will benefit from training in Kuala Lumpur, full support in our businesses and tools, and local management.

    Your job is not routine, you occupy a position with great versatility and prospects for development.

    Your position is a permanent contract and you benefit from all the social advantages granted to our teams:

    free healthcare insurance for you and your family, annual variable bonus if you achieve your objectives, quaterly bonus & annual bonus depending the results of the company and medical teleconsultation.

    You are guaranteed to respect your work/life balance thanks to our company agreements and a flexible work organization that allows you to telecommute up to 2 days per week, or even 3 days for people with disabilities or pregnant employees.

    The job can be taken in the next few days (or weeks) depending on your availability.


    You have a bachelor's degree, with or without experience in insurance... but your personality interests us just as much.

    You appreciate teamwork and you have excellent interpersonal skills. You are a good listener and you have a sense of customer service. You are dynamic and enthusiastic in your work.

    You are methodical and demonstrate rigor, organization and reactivity on a daily basis. You are concerned with achieving the objectives set: processing quality, volumes, deadlines.

    You must be bilingual in English and Chines in order to carry out your missions. Vietnamese will be a plus.

    In short, you are someone who can be counted on and who also likes to be able to count on a respectful and supportive work environment.


    We know that you don't just have a professional life. Of course, it is essential to the balance and fulfillment of your life, but it must not encroach on your personal, family, social, cultural or sporting life. We know this and we take care of it.

    At Henner, our job is to protect the lives and health of 2.1 million people. We protect them as if they were members of our family. We call it Caring, and this approach applies to our teams as well. And therefore to you, whom we wish to recruit today to strengthen our teams and join our Group, the French leader in group health insurance and a specialist in social protection (health, provident, retirement, funeral coverage, employee savings and employee shareholding). We provide our beneficiaries with the world's largest network of healthcare partners (1.6 million professionals in 196 countries).


  • Chef De Projets IT F/H


    Le département Direction des Systèmes d’Informations (DSI), au cœur des fonctions supports, est composé d’une équipe Plateau Digital. Son activité consiste à garantir la livraison du service informatique à nos clients, partenaires et collaborateurs.

    Nous recherchons un(e) Chef(fe) de projets IT pour intégrer une équipe d’experts et de passionnés à Neuilly-sur-Seine (92) où se trouve notre siège social.

    Vos missions :

    Analyser les besoins et les prioriser en fonction de la feuille de route globale, des contraintes et du retour sur investissement envisagé

    Rédiger les spécifications fonctionnelles détaillées conformément à la méthodologie en vigueur et en prenant en compte l’existant, les exigences fonctionnelles et les exigences non fonctionnelles (qualité de services, sécurité, RGPD, exploitabilité, usabilité, etc.)

    Animer des ateliers de spécifications avec les Métiers concernés et rédiger les comptes rendus

    Accompagner les autres parties prenantes (concepteur/développeur, testeurs, etc.) dans l’appropriation des spécifications

    Consolider et valider les estimations prévisionnelles du projet

    Planifier le projet, en assurer le suivi et le reporting

    Elaborer le cahier de recette et élaborer les jeux de tests

    Participer aux phases de tests et de validation des solutions.

    Assurer la conduite du changement (formation, accompagnement des utilisateurs, etc…)

    Assurer un suivi post-implémentation et une assistance technique.


    Bac +5 avec une expérience de 5 ans à minima au sein d’un service MOA/AMOA assurant des fonctions similaires dans le domaine des systèmes d’information.

    Bonnes connaissances en Ingénierie Système (Approche globale : projets pluridisciplinaires)

    Une connaissance approfondie des applications web.

    Une connaissance des applications mobiles sera un plus.

    Une maîtrise des méthodologies Agile et Waterfall.

    Un bon niveau d’anglais est nécessaire pour les échanges technico-fonctionnels avec les entités internationales du Groupe ainsi que les partenaires/clients étrangers

    Connaissances du secteur courtage/assuranciel (Santé et Prévoyance) et du langage SQL appréciées

    Vos qualités relationnelles et de communication, votre aisance et rigueur rédactionnelle ainsi que votre esprit d’analyse seront essentiels à la réalisation de vos missions.


    Nous savons que vous n’avez pas qu’une vie professionnelle. Certes, elle est essentielle dans l’équilibre et l’épanouissement de votre vie mais elle ne doit pas empiéter sur vos vies personnelle, familiale, sociale, culturelle ou sportive. Nous le savons et nous y veillons.

    Chez Henner, notre métier consiste à protéger la vie et la santé de 2,1 millions de personnes. Nous les protégeons comme s’ils étaient des membres de notre famille. Nous appelons cela le Caring et cette approche s’applique aussi à nos équipes. Et donc à vous que nous souhaitons recruter aujourd’hui pour renforcer nos équipes et rejoindre notre Groupe, leader français de l’assurance santé collective et spécialiste de la protection sociale (santé, prévoyance, retraite, garantie obsèques, épargne salariale et actionnariat salarié). Nous mettons à disposition de nos bénéficiaires le plus important réseau mondial de partenaires de santé (1,6 million de professionnels dans 196 pays).